“What A Relief” Podcast 57: The Real Impact of Charity

In the episode of “What a Relief!” Podcast, Imran Madden, the UK Director of Islamic Relief, shares from his wealth of experience as an aid worker. When asked what he enjoys most, he says it is simply talking about the amazing work Islamic Relief does. He gets the most joy from conveying the true impact of donations based on what he has seen with his own two eyes.

“What A Relief” Podcast 39: Charity Week & The Power of Unity

[vc_row][vc_column][vc_column_text]B.C. Dodge & R. Mordant Mahon talk to Dr. Mohammed Wajid Akhter from Charity Week in this episode of “What a Relief!” — IRUSA’s official podcast. Never underestimate the wave-making power of just one person or, in this case, just one week. In this podcast, B.C. & Mordant interview the founder of Charity Week, a campaign of Islamic Relief […]

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