#DamnItCarl Podcast 6: How Do You Support Someone with Depression?

On this #DamnItCarl podcast B.C. Dodge asks – How do you support someone with depression?

This episode comes to you from an undisclosed location – that seems to have a dog barking in the background that just will not stop.

B.C. address his personal struggle with depression, since there are more than three million cases that are diagnosed in the United States yearly, having depression is not something that you should be ashamed of.

On the other hand, it does not present physical symptoms, meaning that if someone has lost the use of their legs and has to get around with the assistance of a wheelchair, you can see what is wrong with them…and you would tell them to just get over it “Why don’t you just get up and walk?”

Then why is it okay to speak to someone with depression, or any other phycological issue that way?

B.C. does admit that he has already kind of addressed this issue in his show last week, but being a personal issue he feels that it is something that needs addressing again.

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Do you have questions or thoughts on the show?

Drop us an email at bc@damnitcarl.com

This was originally posted on The Venn Network

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  1. […] a previous episode of the podcast B.C. asked how you support someone with depression. Building on that, B.C. has had a very rough week and has struggled more than […]

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