“What A Relief” Podcast 20: Voices of Empowerment: On the Road with MPAC

Voices of Empowerment: On the Road with MPACB.C. Dodge & R. Mordant Mahon talk to staff from the Muslim Public Affairs Council (MPAC) and a local imam at the MPAC Empowering Voices Gala Award Ceremony in this episode of “What a Relief!” — IRUSA’s official podcast.

This week, Carl and Mordant take the podcast on the road! They visit the Muslim Public Affairs Council (MPAC) Empowering Voices Gala Award Ceremony to learn more about the important event and the intent behind it.

The banquet was a night to honor those in the community who have been the most encouraging to the Muslim community over the past year.

In this episode, we hear three different voices take the mic in an important conversation. Riham Osman, Communications Coordinator for MPAC, talks about engaging with the online community and sharing American Muslim perspectives. Saif Inam, MPAC’s Policy Analyst, speaks around the vital importance of standing up for American Muslims. And Imam Johari Abdul-Malik shares his experience that spans decades about our critical role in bringing healing to America.

Check out this episode to hear community leaders share their experiences spreading hope and positivity in a time when young Muslims need it the most.

**And now you can reach out to us at our new email address: warp@irusa.org!**

“What a Relief!” is the official podcast of Islamic Relief USA. Co-hosted by social media specialist B.C. Dodge & Mordant Mahon, IRUSA’s “What a Relief!” puts a human face on what’s going on in the world and how you can enact positive change in it. New episodes every week!


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