#DamnItCarl Podcast 9: Looking at Pittsburg and Sayoc; What is Wrong With Us?

On this #DamnItCarl podcast B.C. Dodge asks – Looking at Pittsburg and Sayoc; what is wrong with us?

On Oct 16th B.C. published a video/podcast called “Can We Find The Center?” about 10 days later the news broke that someone was mailing pipe bombs to people that could be considered on the “left.”

Within a day of that a man in Louisville, Kentucky went into a Kroger and murdered African Americans – this was of course after he found the African America church across the street locked.

Then on Oct 27th a man went into a Saturday morning service at a synagogue in Pittsburg and murdered 11 people, while saying that “Jews must Die.”

All of this leads to the question of what the hell is wrong with us?

To start it is not okay to kill people, let’s just put that out there. And that does mean anyone, it doesn’t matter where they come from or what their beliefs are, or what color their skin is…murder is wrong – M’kay?

Beyond that, while the world cries for a stop to this madness, the one person that is supposed to unite us and bring us together as a country ramps up his skills at playing the blame game. We have all heard the words and we have all seen the videos – which leads to another interesting question… do we need to have a 101 session on how video works?

B.C. addresses this situation as best he can in his allotted 5 minutes!

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Do you have questions or thoughts on the show?

Drop us an email at bc@damnitcarl.com

This was originally posted on The Venn Network

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