#DamnItCarl Podcast 17: Do We Really Observe Veteran’s Day?

On this #DamnItCarl podcast B.C. Dodge asks – do we really observe Veteran’s Day? Or are we just enjoying the sales?

B.C. opens this episode with the disclaimer that he is going to take a breather for a week or two over the Thanksgiving break to catch up and come up with some new topics. If you have one you would like him to cover please make sure to share your ideas!

This is your show too!

But on this episode, he goes on a little rant where he addresses what he sees as Veteran’s Day, or Armistice day, in the modern culture.

Armistice day marks the end of World War I, when on November 11th the armistice was signed between the Allies of World War I and Germany at Compiegne, France. If you want to know more about this, you can read on Wikipedia…or go to the damn library.

But in the days leading up to Veteran’s Day the commercials started slowly…cars, mattresses, and so on. By the time November 11th was here we were all inundated with how we can save money because a few gave all.

Even the “free Veteran’s meal,” is kind of a scam. These places are either suggesting that Veterans are lonely and can eat for free, or they are looking charge the families more for taking the Veterans out to dinner. It still doesn’t seem right.

But the ending question is simply, is this how we are supposed observe Veteran’s Day and Armistice day?

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